Posts Tagged ‘Alive Multivitamin’


In addition to eating a raw foods diet, I also supplement with various vitamins and minerals.

While reading Dr Bernstein’s, “Diabetes Solution,”  I learned about an interesting product called Insulow.   I saw an immediate improvement after taking these supplements and highly recommend them to anyone seeking better insulin sensitivity.  The description on reads:

“Insulow, recommended in Diabetes Solutions by Dr. R. Bernstein, is pure R+ Lipoic acid complexed with essential Biotin. R+ lipoic enhances glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity which reduces the spike after carbohydrate containing meals. Improving carbohydrate uptake and utilization can increase energy levels and improve your ability to use both fat and carbohydrates for energy.”

I love this supplement so much that I’ve put it on Auto-ship!  Simply take 1-2 capsules right before you take your insulin injection.   It works best when taken with Evening Primrose Oil (I purchase the Trader Joe’s brand to save money).

Other supplements I include in my daily regime include:

  • Alive multivitamin (3 daily, taken with each meal)
  • Vitamin D3 (4,000 iu daily)
  • Vitamin B12 (I get the B “50” version from Trader Joe’s
  • Evening Primrose Oil (One with every dose of Insulow)

What types of vitamins (if any) do you take??